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MapLink™ | Procedures | Fees

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Fees for the various permits and applications required by this chapter and Chapter A184, Subdivision Regulations, are hereby established as follows:
A. Special use permit, preliminary approval only: $200.

B. Special use permit: $200, plus $50 per 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of new building or changed use.

C. Site plan approval: $150, plus $50 per 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of new building or changed use.

D. Variance or special exception: $200.

E. Renewal of special exception: $200.

F. Zoning Board of Appeals permit for a motor vehicle dealer or repairer license and gasoline stations, as established by C.G.S. §§ 14-54 and 14-321, respectively, as amended:
(1) First permit: $200.
(2) Permit renewal: $200.
G. Subdivision application: $600 or $100 per new lot created by the resubdivision, whichever is more.

H. Resubdivision application: $600 or $100 per new lot created by the resubdivision, whichever is more.

I. Zoning permit: $75.

J. Zoning compliance certificate or letter: $30.

K. Permit for a monument or statue: $60.

L. Amendment to this chapter or Zoning Map:
(1) Without special development district plan: $550.
(2) With special development district plan: $550, plus $100 per 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of new building area or changed use.
(3) Administrative amendment to special development district plan: $500.
M. The Town Plan and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals or the Town Council may waive any of the aforesaid fees established in this section; however, any waiver shall be accompanied by a statement of reason. In the case of an application upon which a Town official is authorized to act without the approval of an administrative agency, no waiver of any fee established herein shall be permitted.

N. Lot split or lot line revision approval: $300.

O. Fees for building permits and certificates of occupancy for uses authorized by building and/or zoning permits shall be charged in accord with Chapter 58, Building Construction, of the Code of the Town of West Hartford.

P. Inland wetlands and watercourses application fees:
(1) Permitted uses as of right: no charge.
(2) Nonregulated uses: $90.

(3) Regulated residential uses: $120, plus $50 per lot or $90 per acre of wetlands (or fraction thereof) on site, whichever is more.

(4) Regulated commercial uses: $120, plus the following fee per 1,000 square feet of regulated area (or fraction thereof) on site:
(a) Sites containing less than 3,000 square feet of regulated area: $36.
(b) Sites containing 3,000 to 50,000 square feet of regulated area: $28.
(c) Sites containing more than 50,000 square feet of regulated area: $24 but not less than $1,400.
(5) Significant activity fee: $350.

(6) Map amendment petitions: $350, plus the following fee per 100 linear feet of wetland boundary (or fraction thereof) designated on the plan as new boundary:
(a) Less than 500 linear feet: $40.
(b) Five hundred to 1,000 linear feet: $36.
(c) More than 1,000 linear feet: $30 but not less than $400.
Q. Public hearing fees: In addition to the application fees otherwise established herein, the following fees shall also be required:
(1) All applications requiring a public hearing: $150.
(2) Each public hearing postponement request made by an applicant after legal notice published: $150.

R. Financing of cost of special study. Certain applications for extraordinarily large or significant projects pose environmental, traffic and/or other problems beyond the expertise of the Commission's staff to evaluate and make appropriate recommendations. In such instances, which occur only infrequently, if the Town Plan and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals or the Town Council, after reviewing the matter with its staff, reasonably concludes that an outside, independent study and/or consultation is necessary for the Commission, Board and Council to decide the issues before it, the Commission, Board and Council may require an applicant, as a condition of processing its application, to pay for the cost of such a study or consultation, such amount not to exceed $7,500.