A. Applicability.
(1) This section shall apply to lots, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, within one-quarter-mile walking distance of either the Elmwood or Flatbush CTfastrak stations with frontage on or accessed from the following streets:
(a) Darcy Street;
(b) Flatbush Avenue;
(c) Jefferson Avenue;
(d) New Britain Avenue;
(e) New Park Avenue;
(f) Prospect Avenue; and
(g) South Street.
(2) To the extent that the requirements of this section are inconsistent with the requirements elsewhere in this chapter, this section shall prevail. When not covered by the standards in this section, the standards found in other sections of this chapter shall apply.
B. Development standards. In addition to the standards provided in §
177-6F, the following additional provisions shall apply:
(1) Residential density. The lot area per dwelling unit (in square feet) shall be 750 square feet.
(2) Open space. Usable open space shall be provided at not less than 100 square feet per dwelling unit and shall comply with the specifications of §
(3) Parking. Section
177-32 shall apply, except as modified by the provisions below:
(a) On-site parking.
[1] All on-site parking shall be located to the rear or side of a building. In the case of corner lots, the front of a building shall mean the facade which faces the most heavily traveled street abutting the property.
[2] The dimensions of on-site parking spaces shall be nine feet by 18 feet.
[3] Tandem or stacked parking may be permitted for residential uses where tandem spaces are assigned to the same dwelling unit.
(b) On-street parking.
[1] Parking requirements may be met by a combination of on-site parking and on-street parking, where allowed, located on the street frontage of the property in question.
[2] Any on-street parking space shall be at least 22 feet in length when parallel to the curbline or nine feet by 20 feet when diagonal or perpendicular to the curbline.
(4) Signage. Section
177-33 shall apply, except as modified by the provisions below:
(a) Ground or freestanding signs, including supports, shall not exceed ten feet in height above the surface of the ground where located.
(b) Blade or projecting signs shall not project more than 30 inches from the face of a structure and shall be at least 10 feet above the level of any walkway it may overhang.
C. Special design and form standards. The following special design and form standards are provided to ensure a consistent public realm through the creation of design-focused, transit-supportive controls:
(1) Building placement. Buildings shall be oriented towards the street and shall:
(a) Be located not more than 15 feet from an established building line.
(b) Occupy at least 60% of the frontage of a lot.
(2) Building design. Buildings shall relate to and be oriented towards the street and surrounding buildings as follows:
(a) The primary entrance of a building must face the street and be clearly articulated through the use of architectural detailing. Secondary or rear entrances may be permitted only if there is a main entrance from a street. Front entrances may not be closed off in favor of rear entrance. Patrons exiting an establishment shall be permitted to exit through the main entrance.
(b) Building fenestration:
[1] Ground level nonresidential uses: minimum of 40% along the street-facing facade.
[2] Ground level residential uses: minimum of 25% along the street-facing facade
[3] Upper level fenestration of 15% per story along the street-facing facade.
(c) An architecturally distinct, horizontal facade division is required between the ground floor and upper stories of any building.
(d) Service areas (loading docks, shipping/receiving) and utility service connections shall be located at the back of the building or side of the building.
(e) Refuse storage areas shall be located at the back of buildings and shall be located at least 20 feet from any adjacent residential zones.
(f) The ground floors of buildings shall have a habitable, active floor space within the first 20 feet of building depth fronting the street.
(3) Building height. Five stories and 55 feet are permitted, subject to the following:
(a) A stepback is required for any fifth story. The stepback shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the front building wall as measured from the top of the fourth story and shall apply to all sides of the structure that abut a public street.
(b) Building height may be increased to 65 feet if the ground floor contains retail, restaurant or other active commercial space.
(4) Site access. No lot shall have more than one curb cut to a public street for each 500 feet of street frontage.