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MapLink™ | Signs

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That linear portion of the exterior wall of a unit of occupancy which directly faces the public street to which the unit of occupancy is addressed.
That linear portion of the exterior wall of a unit of occupancy which lies generally opposite the front exterior wall and does not directly face the public street to which the unit of occupancy is addressed.
© Civic Webware
Any device for visual communication which is used for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public, including the devices displayed within three feet behind windows and visible from outside of the building. Merchandise or facsimile merchandise shall not be considered a sign.
Same as a zoning permit.
Any sign affixed to the ground by its own support and/or foundation.
Any sign used or intended to be used in different locations.
A. Measurement of sign area.
(1) The area of a sign shall be considered to be that of the smallest rectangle or triangle which encompasses all lettering, wording, designs or symbols, together with any background different from the designs or symbols, together with any background different from the balance of the wall on which it is located, if such background is designed as an integral part of and obviously related to the sign.

(2) The area of a sign which is designed to be seen from more than one side shall be considered to be that of the aggregate of the smallest rectangles or triangles which encompass all lettering, wording, designs or symbols, together with any background on all sides of the sign.

(3) The supports which affix a sign to the ground or to a building shall not be included in the area of the sign unless such supports are obviously designed to be part of the sign as defined by these regulations.

B. Sign location.
(1) No sign shall project more than 18 inches from the face of a structure and not more than 12 inches beyond any street line, and it shall be at least 10 feet above the level of any walkway it may overhang.

(2) A sign permitted in any business or industrial district which is prohibited in any residential district shall be displayed only on a side of a structure or property facing upon a street which may legally provide access to the property or upon a residence parking district or upon the property line of an abutting lot which is zoned and usable for business or industrial purposes unless such sign is located at least 200 feet from any residence district.

C. Height of signs.
(1) Ground signs, including supports, shall not exceed a height above the surface of the ground where located of eight feet in a residential district or 25 feet in a business or industrial district.

(2) No sign attached to a structure shall project more than two feet over the top of the exterior wall of such structure at the location of the sign, except that in an industrial district a sign may project up to 12 feet over the top of the exterior wall of such structure, provided that the sign is not within 500 feet of the boundary of a residential district.

(3) Where more than one sign is permitted on a building, such signs shall be of uniform height and shape.

D. Illuminated and moving signs.
(1) A sign may be illuminated if the illumination is confined to or directed to the surface of the sign. No flashing, rotating or intermittent illumination shall be permitted, except signs indicating time and/or temperature by means of white, intermittent lighting, provided that the longest dimensions of such a sign do not exceed five feet.

(2) No sign or any part thereof shall be permitted to be mechanically rotated or moved, except traditional signs of barbershops, provided that the longest dimension of such signs does not exceed three feet.

(3) The light sources of signs shall be so designed and shielded that they cannot be seen from beyond the property lines on which said sign is located, except that signs with exposed neon tubes shall be permitted in all business and industrial districts.