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MapLink™ | Procedures | Construction of Monuments or Statues

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Construction of Monuments or Statues
A. The Town Council may grant permission for the construction of a monument or statue on land owned by the Town or on privately owned land. The application shall be in writing and shall contain the following information:
(1) Three prints of a plot plan of the property, drawn to scale and certified by a licensed surveyor or engineer, showing the information required under § 177-41B(1).
(2) Three prints of all proposed building floor plans and elevations, drawn to a scale of not less than 1/16 inch equals one foot, including an indication of all materials proposed to be used in all buildings.
(3) Three prints of a landscaping plan, indicating the location, size and species of all plant materials proposed to be preserved and planted.

B. The Town Council shall set a public hearing on the application, after which said application may be approved by a vote of not less than a majority of the Council. Prior to said hearing, the Council may request the applicant to submit such other information or documents it deems necessary.

C. The standards which shall be applied by the Town Council in acting upon such application are:
(1) The design and architecture of the proposed improvements shall be in harmony with surrounding buildings and adjacent properties.
(2) The proposed improvements shall be in harmony with the overall objective of the plan of development and Comprehensive Plan.
(3) There shall be no impairment of visibility affecting the safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
(4) There shall be no adverse effect on the value of adjacent properties.

D. Title to the completed improvements shall vest absolutely in the Town of West Hartford where said monument or statue is constructed on land owned by the Town.

E. The Town Council may attach any conditions to its approval as it considers necessary in order to assure conformance to the Plan of Development, Comprehensive Plan, zoning regulations, traffic circulation and existing plans for future construction plans of Town departments. Where the monument or statue is to be constructed on Town-owned land, the Town Council shall require the submission of a suitable performance bond or other security to assure satisfactory completion of the proposed improvements prior to commencement of construction. In the event that any unusual or extensive maintenance requirements are expected in connection with the proposed improvements, the Council may also require the applicant to post an appropriate bond or other security prior to commencement of construction to assure that the Town will not have to bear the expense of such maintenance.

See Licenses and Permits for information.
See Public Portal for more information.