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MapLink™ | Procedures | Zoning Permits

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Zoning Permits
Permit applications.
A. Applications made to Town Planner. All applications for required zoning permits shall be made to the Town Planner on forms provided by that office.

B. Contents of application. An application for a zoning permit shall include the following:
(1) At least three prints of a plot plan of the premises, drawn to scale, based upon Connecticut Geodetic Survey (CGS) datum and certified by a licensed surveyor or engineer and/or landscape architect, as appropriate under Connecticut registration regulations, showing the following:
(a) The actual shape and dimensions of the lot.
(b) The location, size and height of all existing and proposed structures.
(c) The existing and proposed use of all existing and proposed structures and lot areas, if other than a one- or two-family residence.
(d) The number of families, if any, each existing and proposed building is designed to accommodate.
(e) The layout of existing and proposed parking and loading facilities and access thereto, including any parking barriers or walkways.
(f) The type and location of any exterior lighting, including provisions for shading.
(g) The type, size and location of all signs.
(h) The type and location of any required screening or landscaping.
(i) The location of waste disposal and recycling containers and the screening enclosures surrounding them, together with a statement of proposed method of sanitary waste disposal and recycling collection, which shall be subject to approval by the Director of Public Works pursuant to West Hartford Code of Ordinances § 94-5.
(j) Any proposed drainage facilities.
(2) Such additional information as required by the Town Planner or by the Plan and Zoning Commission where a special use permit or site plan approval is required, where necessary to determine that the requirements of this chapter are met. The Town Planner may excuse compliance with requirements for specific information otherwise required on the plot plan where such compliance is not necessary to determine that the requirements of this chapter are met.

(3) Application fees as specified in § 177-50.

(4) In any application where a boundary survey of the property is required, either of the following:
(a) One copy of the plot plan described in Subsection B(1) of this section provided on such computer medium and in such computer program or language as may be established by the Director of Community Development from time to time; or
(b) An application, addressed to the individual or agency which has ultimate authority to approve the underlying application, for a waiver of the requirement to produce the computerized plot plan set forth in Subsection B(4)(a) of this section, setting forth, in detail, the reason(s) why compliance with that provision is impractical, unfeasible or impossible.
(5) The applicant shall consent to receive formal communications from the Town of West Hartford relating to the application in electronic format and shall specify an e-mail address (or addresses) to which such communications may be delivered.

See § 177-42: Application approval procedure for detailed information.
See Licenses and Permits for information.
See Public Portal for more information.