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MapLink™ | Procedures | Park River Project Water Storage Area

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Park River Project Water Storage Area
A. Purpose and area designation. See § 177-8.1A for details.

B. Standards for approval.
(1) In the Park River Project water storage area, no structure shall be erected, expanded or structurally altered, and no land shall be excavated, filled, graded or paved until the Director of Community Development approves the development application and advises the approving authority of the application's conformance with the following regulations:
(a) The volume of the water storage area up to elevation 54 MDC (52 NGS) datum shall be substantially preserved such that no more than the minimum fill necessary to make the site functional may be permitted.
(b) The volume of the building, if not floodproofed, shall not be considered as occupying water storage.
(c) The grading of the site, excluding building volume, shall substantially balance cuts and fills below elevation 54 MDC (52 NGS).
(d) An applicant shall note on the plan the existence of the elevation 54 MDC (52 NGS) and the Park River Project water storage area.
(2) Where applicable, the provisions of § 177-8, the Inland Wetlands Regulations and all other ordinances or regulations of the Town of West Hartford shall also apply in addition hereto.

C. Approval procedure.
(1) The application for approval of a development in the Park River Project water storage area shall be submitted as part of the development application process to the approving authority and shall include as a minimum the following:
(a) Three black-and-white prints of a plot plan of the premises drawn to scale and certified by a licensed land surveyor and civil engineer, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot, the size and location of all existing and proposed structures and land uses, the layout of parking and loading facilities and access thereto and existing and proposed grades.

(b) Calculations which illustrate the balancing of cuts and fills as required above.

(c) The approvals from all appropriate state and federal agencies for the development project.
(2) The Director of Community Services shall review and advise the approving authority of the proposed plan's compliance with these regulations within 30 days after receipt. The failure of the Director of Community Development to act within 30 days shall constitute an approval of the plan.

(3) The approving authority shall not approve any application until it receives the comments of the Director of Community Development regarding compliance with these regulations.

(4) No building permit shall be issued which is not in conformance with the approved plan and with any and all other regulations governing the use of the applicant's property.

D. Penalty. Any private person or any firm or corporation who violates this section shall be fined $100 for every day that each such violation continues.

See § 177-8.1: Park River Project water storage area for detailed information.
See Licenses and Permits for information.
See Public Portal for more information.